Baldur’s Gate 2: Enhanced Edition Review

Baldurs Gate 2Baldur’s Gate 2: Enhanced Edition is a new game for tablet that can enthrall UK consumers with its engaging tactical combat and rich storyline. The Enhanced Edition offers visual improvements and exciting gladiatorial combat.

Users could purchase four new characters, each with their own main stories and side quests. It is unfortunate that these characters are available as in-app purchases and not offered like in PC version. In fact, after purchasing all components to play the game completely, the Baldur’s Gate 2: Enhanced Edition for tablet could be more costly than the PC version.

But those who are willing to spend some money to purchase new characters could get immense excitement. The iPad port of the Baldur’s Gate 2: Enhanced Edition may come with a bit of annoyances though, especially related to problems with controlling the interface. Users also need to perform different actions for specific task. As an example, PC users could right-click on loots or spells to get detailed stats. However, iPad users need to hold their fingers for awhile to complete the same action. Although this seems like a minor difference, the slight delay could add up and degrade the experience somewhat.

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