Tablets Could Be Bad For Children Development

Kids TabletsTablets are so user-friendly that toddlers can master them in to time. This has led some health experts to voice their concern. Parents in the UK tend to choose tablet as educational tool; since it doesn’t require the ability to read or type. 3-year olds can quickly learn how to play simple games or stream cartoons.

In the United Kingdom, tablets already rank among the most favoured holiday gifts for toddlers and with the availability of affordable models such as Tesco Hudl, many parents won’t mind letting children use the device for a long period time. They could believe that tablets could help to improve children’s cognitive ability.

But experts’ finding may suggest otherwise. They discovered that there’s no evidence screen time offers any developmental and educational benefits for toddlers or babies. In fact, this could take away from typical activities that can promote brain developments, including interactions with adults and playing with non-electronic objects.

Experts also find that excessive screen time with tablets could induce delayed social development and behavior problems on older children. Because, the original iPad was released less than four years ago; research on connection of tablets with children development is still in its infancy. Consequently; parents in the UK should refrain from making tablets a central part in children education process.

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